905-760-8350 info@hdwd.ca



Who should you choose?

Don’t let price be the deciding factor. Make the time to educate yourself about our premium grade fiberglass doors before you make your decision. Come see how we build the doors and please go see what other companies are doing as well.

Return on Investment

Unless you have been out of touch with the real estate market you already know the value an elegant door adds to a home. Upgrading your front entrance with our fiberglass door will be money well spent.


All our door components and accessories are premium grade:

  • Highly energy efficient fiberglass doors, made in Canada
  • Stain used are specifically made for fiberglass doors and last much longer than most stain available on the market
  • Multi-point locking system
  • Adjustable & thermally broken sill
  • Long reach weather strip
  • Composite frame with better screw holding power than wood or vinyl frames
Fiberglass exterior doors

Custom Exterior doors for your Home

If quality is important to you, don’t just compare prices, please visit our showroom and factory, see how the doors are put together and understand the difference our premium grade components make. 

We don’t just tell, we show.

Go see what others are offering for the same price or cheaper. Make sure you see the operation to confirm what you are told. Once you see and understand the true difference you will be knowledgeable and will make your purchase decision a lot easier.

Fiberglass exterior doors
Fiberglass exterior doors

Custom fiberglass doors

Our doors are safe, reliable and rich looking


We are BBB accredited member, BILD accredited member, all our customer reviews on Homestars are verified by Homestars.

We have built and installed every door we show in our gallery.

Our fiberglass doors are made in Canada.

Contractors who purchase doors elsewhere for homes they build, come to us for their own homes.

We do not mass produce. We are all about quality.

Front doors in Woodbridge
Your front door has a direct correlation to the perceived value of your home.

Our custom fiberglass doors create heightened perspectives of homes that open their doors to our highly skilled workmanship.

Our fiberglass doors look like real wood and last much longer than a wood or steel doors.


Please fill in the form below and one of our team members will contact you to discuss your options.

Home Decor Window & Door Centre Inc. is committed to respecting the privacy of individuals and recognizes a need for the appropriate management and protection of any personal information that you agree to provide to us. We will not share your information with any third party outside of our organization, other than as necessary to fulfill your request.